3/2007 – Setting final offered price of shares

Legal grounds: Art. 56 sec 1 p 1  Act of public tenders ? confidential information.

Quantum software SA?s Management Board,  pursuant to IPO Prospectus and art.54 sec 3 Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies dated July 29, 2005, we inform that on 27 July 2005 indicative price was set on PLN 23,20 per share. In Public Offer there is 470.000 shares of series C.

Indicative price is the same for Individual Investors? Trench and Institutional Investors? Trench.

Basic Information

Quantum software S.A.
ul. Walerego Sławka 3A
30-633 Kraków

Phone.: +48 (12) 646 98 00
Fax: +48 (12) 646 98 02

KRS: 0000136768
REGON: 351243328
NIP: 677-17-53-870
Share Capital: PLN 682.435,00

Contact for Investors

Ewa Warchoł
(+48) 12 646 98 00