9/2011 – Share Buy-back program

Legal grounds: Art. 56 sec 1 p 2 of the Act concerning public tenders ? current and periodical reports.

Quantum software Management Board informs, that as per its resolutions of May 18,2009 no 17 adopted on the basis of the authorization granted to the Management  Board and no 18 in order to creation of the supplementary capital for purchasing own shares (Current Report no 12/2009) and as per Regulation adopted on September 9,2009 (current report 21/2009) , the Issuer purchased between  04-08 April, 2011 at the Warsaw Stock Exchange 23 of its own bearer shares of nominal value PLN 11,50 of PLN 0,50 each at an average price PLN 10,05 per share, and it constitutes 0,002 % of the Company?s share capital and represent 0,001 % votes at the General Meeting. Shares are purchased within the Share buy Back Program and shares will be offered in the Stock Option Program. The shares acquired represents 6.187 votes at he GM which corresponds to 0,28 % of the total voting power and constitutes 0,42 % of the Company?s shares capital.

Legal basis: § 5 sec. 1 item 6 of Decree of the Minister of Finance dated October 19th, 2005 on current and periodic information to be published by issuers of securities.

Basic Information

Quantum software S.A.
ul. Walerego Sławka 3A
30-633 Kraków

Phone.: +48 (12) 646 98 00
Fax: +48 (12) 646 98 02

KRS: 0000136768
REGON: 351243328
NIP: 677-17-53-870
Share Capital: PLN 682.435,00

Contact for Investors

Ewa Warchoł
(+48) 12 646 98 00