6/2011 – Registration of the company in Moscow by the subsidiary

Legal grounds: Art. 56 sec 1 p 2 of the Act concerning public tenders ? current and periodical reports.

Quantum software S.A. Management Board hereby informs about receiving today information from its subsidiary Quantum East Sp. z o.o. of registration on 28th January 2011 Quantum International OOO seated in Moscow (Russia). Quantum East (a subsidiary of the Issuer where Issuer holds 66,7 % of shares) holds 99 % Quantum International shares, with nominal value RUB 1.188.000 that constitute 99 % of the share capital and 99 % of votes at the meeting of shareholders. The Quantum International share capital is covered by cash and amounts to 1.2 million Rubles (RUB 1 is about 0.10 PLN).

Registration of the company in Russia is a consistent continuation of the Capital Group expansion in the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Prospects of strengthening of the rapidly growing Russian market are also related to investment plans of the Quantum International Ukrainian clients where Qguar is a leader of WMS (Warehouse Management Systems)  range solution.

Basic Information

Quantum software S.A.
ul. Walerego Sławka 3A
30-633 Kraków

Phone.: +48 (12) 646 98 00
Fax: +48 (12) 646 98 02

KRS: 0000136768
REGON: 351243328
NIP: 677-17-53-870
Share Capital: PLN 682.435,00

Contact for Investors

Ewa Warchoł
(+48) 12 646 98 00